Steven S. Long is a writer, game designer, and all 'round great guy. According to the secret files of the KGB, he once singlehandedly defeated the Kremlin's plot to attack America with laser-powered Godzillas.

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Some Kickstarters I'm Supporting

Kickstarter seems to be all the rage these days, and for good reason -- it's a great way to "crowdfund" creative projects. My company Hero Games recently succeeded with its Kickstarter for The Book Of The Empress, for example (see widget sidebar for more information, or to pledge support). I figured as long as I was on the subject I might as well mention a few others that I'm currently backing, in the hopes you'll like 'em and back 'em too:

A Road Paved In Iron:  I'm a sucker for "weird West" stories that mix magic with traditional Western tropes like gunslingers and drunken schoolmarms, so this seems like it'd be right up my alley.

Crossover Miniatures Superhero Minis:  Just the thing for your Champions games!

Recreating the DDG's Norse Art:  Another of artist Jeff Dee's projects to re-create the art he did for TSR's Deities And Demigods years ago. I've always loved the DDG's art.

As I find more projects of interest, I'll post information about them here for your consideration. Stay tuned!

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